Scale ModelWorld 2023
WINNERS !!! Best SIG Display SMW2023
WINNERS !!! Best SIG Display SMW2023
The Aerobatic Display Teams SIG IPMS(UK) 60th Anniversary International Air Tattoo

2023 Anniversaries2023 was another big year for anniversaries to celebrate at Scale ModelWorld: We had the 70th anniversary of both the USAF Thunderbirds and the Patrouille de France - and most importantly it was the 60th anniversary of IPMS and the 30th anniversary of the Aerobatic Display Teams SIG. But to top it all off, for IPMS(UK), this also marked the 25th event held at the Telford International Centre.

So to commemorate all these, our Scale ModelWorld display this year had to be something very special - and was in fact the most complex and ambitious one we've ever done.

A few times in previous years, we had done small "flying displays" as part of our Scale ModelWorld theme displays - but for so many anniversaries all coming together in 2023, we decided to make our entire display stand into one huge airshow, by creating a great fantasy International Air Tattoo !

The "Static Park" features aircraft representing display teams from all over the world, military and civilian, past and current. Then flying overhead, there are no less than seven internationally famous display teams, performing in our "Air Tattoo". In honour of the 60th anniversary of IPMS, all of the teams in attendance have existed during the time of the Society, i.e. no teams earlier than 1963. Also, for the purposes of scale - and probably for the first time ever - every single model on the display is 1/72nd scale. Although our "IPMS 60th Anniversary International Air Tattoo" took place over the weekend of 11th & 12th November in Telford, each of the teams in the flying display performed with a backdrop representing their own countries. To further enhance the whole "air show experience", we also had a Bluetooth speaker concealed under the stand, which played the jet noises of a Red Arrows display !

We are also extremely pleased and proud to have won not one, but two awards for our display this year !

Airfix awarded us their trophy for "Scale ModelWorld 2023 Display Of The Year" - and then we also won Gold/1st place for the IPMS(UK) Best Special Interest Group Display.

This is the first time that anybody has won both at the same time ! :-)

The display was presented on an area of 18 feet x 4 feet (5.8m x 1.2m) of table space.
There are a grand total total of 134 models on the whole display, all in 1/72nd scale - 86 in the "static display" plus a further 48 in the "flying displays". They were built by 16 of our members, from 5 different countries.

The Static Park

Now, below are some general overview photos of our IPMS 60th anniversary International Air Tattoo. At the bottom of this page, you can follow the links to go see more detail shots of the "Static Display" and also the "Flying Display"

So please enjoy the airshow !

On very special, rare occasions, where several aerobatic teams have gathered together for a particular airshow or event, the Lead aircraft of each team have flown together in a special "mixed formation", for the purposes of a commemorative photo opportunity.

Given that we would have no less than seven internationally famous aerobatic teams flying at our IPMS 60th Anniversary Air Tattoo, such a photoshoot was arranged prior to Scale ModelWorld 2023.

Here, you can see the official commemorative photo of the Leader of each of the actual teams appearing, flying in a mixed formation over the Telford International Centre...

(This photoshoot was clearly arranged prior to the Scale ModelWorld show days, as you can see the car parks are virtually empty.....)

Continue on to the
SMW2023 Static Display

Continue on to the
SMW2023 Flying Display

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